Terms of Service


I. Definitions
1. Regulations – these regulations, defining the rules of using the Store.
2. Shop – an online store available at https://keyturion.com/purchase/ via which the Buyer can make purchases

3. Seller – PayPro Global, Inc. 225 The East Mall, Suite 1117, Toronto, ON, M9B 0A9, Canada

4. Service – services presented within the Store, in particular Files and Software.

5. File – an electronic file containing IT content intended for reading or writing. The file is in electronic form and is not saved on any material medium.

6. Software – A file in the form of a computer software along with a license as activation code.

7. Consumer – an adult natural person with full legal capacity, making a purchase with the Seller not directly related to its business or professional activity.

8. Customer – an adult natural person with legal capacity, a legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality, but having the capacity to perform acts in law, making a purchase with the Seller directly related to its business or professional activity.

9. Buyer – both the Customer and the Consumer.

10. Order – a declaration of intent made by the Buyer aiming directly at conclusion of a contract with the Seller by completing and sending the order in electronic form available on the Store’s website athttps://keyturion.com/purchase/ including acquaintance with the Regulations and acceptance of its content.

11. Price list – the price list of Services published on the website https://keyturion.com/purchase/

12. Code of good practice – a set of voluntary rules of conduct (and in particular, ethical and professional standards) referred to in art. 2 point 5 of the Act of August 23, 2007 on Counteracting Unfair Market Practices.

II. General provisions

1. The Seller undertakes to provide Services free from defects.
2. The Seller informs about the guarantees granted to him by third parties for products within the Store offer.
3. The following payment methods are available as part of the Store:
a) online payment – payment card or electronic transfer using the PayPro Global service system

III. Contract conclusion and performance

• To order the Service via the Store, go to the website https://keyturion.com/purchase/ and select the Service by following the displayed information on the Store’s website.

• In order to place an Order, it is necessary for the Buyer to perform the following actions:
– providing your name and surname, e-mail address,
– acceptance of the regulations;
– choice of payment type;

• The Seller shall immediately execute the placed Order counting from the date of posting the payment to the Seller’s account
• Początek formularza
• in case of a File or Software Order, the Buyer may agree to deliver it before the end of the withdrawal period and confirm that for this reason he has been informed about the loss of the right to return the ordered products. If the Buyer agrees to the above-mentioned, then after the Buyer’s payment is credited to the Seller’s account, the Seller shall immediately make the File / Software available to him. In the event of disagreement, they will be made available to the Buyer after the deadline to withdraw from the contract.

• After the Buyer provides all the data necessary to submit the Order, a summary of the Order will be displayed

• An order sent by the Buyer is a declaration of will of the Buyer to conclude a Sales Agreement with the Seller in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations.

• After placing the Order, the Buyer will receive an e-mail with the final confirmation of the essential elements of the Order.
• The Sales Agreement is considered as concluded at the time of the Order receipt.
• Delivery of Files and / or Software takes place via the Internet and is free of charge.

IV. Technical requirements necessary to use the Store
1. To use the Store it is necessary to:
a) access to the Internet;
b) have properly configured Internet browser that supports cookie files – Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome;

c) have an active and properly configured e-mail account.
2. The seller is not responsible for events resulting from the Buyer’s failure to comply with the technical requirements set out above for interaction with the ICT system he uses. In particular, it is the case when the Buyer has improperly configured or failed to configure an email account, and therefore cannot receive e-mails from the Buyer to the Seller or from the Seller to the Buyer.

V. The right to withdraw from the contract
1. The Consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract concluded remotely, without giving a reason and without incurring costs.
2. The deadline for withdrawing from a distance contract is 14 (fourteen) days from the date of conclusion of a contract for the provision of services. To comply with the deadline, it is enough to send a statement of withdrawal before its expiry.
3. A statement on withdrawal from the contract should be sent to the address indicated below: keyturion@keyturion.com
4. The Seller shall immediately send the Consumer a confirmation of receipt of the declaration of withdrawal from the contract.
5. In the event of withdrawal from the contract, the contract shall be considered null and void.
6. The Seller shall return the funds paid by the Consumer within 14 days of receiving the Consumer’s statement of withdrawal, using the same method of payment as the Consumer used, unless the Consumer agrees to a different method of return.

7. Pursuant to Article 38 of the Consumer Rights Act, the Consumer is not entitled to withdraw from the contract for the supply of digital content that is not recorded on a tangible medium if the performance commenced with the consumer’s direct consent before the deadline for withdrawal and after informing him by the entrepreneur about the loss of the right to withdraw from the contract.

VI. Copyright property rights
1. File and Software constituting ‘works’ within the meaning of the Act of February 4, 1994 on copyright law and related rights are subject to the protection provided for in this legal act.
2. The proprietary copyrights to the Files and / or the Software are vested in the Seller, and author’s personal rights – to the authors.
3. Purchase of the File or the Software does not transfer any proprietary or personal copyrights to the Buyer. The buyer can use it only for his own needs.

4. In case of violation of proprietary copyrights, the person who committed the infringement will pay the Seller a contractual penalty in the amount of quadruple the gross price for each revealed violation.

VII. Complaints
1. All complaints should be sent in writing or by e-mail to the following address: keyturion(at)keyturion.com ,

2. Each written complaint should contain at least:
– Name and surname of the Buyer, address, zip code,
– name of the service,
– justification of the complaint.
3. The Seller will consider the complaint within 14 days from the date of its receipt by sending a reply to the address indicated by the Buyer (including the e-mail address). In the event of the need to obtain additional information necessary to consider the complaint, the Seller shall notify the Customer immediately, no later than within 7 days of receiving the complaint about such necessity. The Seller and the Customer shall endeavor to amicably resolve any disputes in an amicable way, in particular by conducting appropriate negotiations.

VIII. Security and personal data
1. In order to use certain elements of the website, it is necessary to provide personal data or register on the website, in accordance with the rules set out in these Regulations along with consent to their processing by the administrator and acceptance of the Regulations. Failure to provide personal data will make the performance of the contract impossible.

2. The legal basis for the processing of personal data is: – the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of electronic services (Journal of Laws 2017.1219), – Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016. on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and the repeal of Directive 95/46 / EC (General Regulation on Data Protection) (OJ.UE.L.2016.119.1) hereinafter referred to as: GDPR.

3. The data provided by Buyers during registration can be used by the administrator for the following purposes: execution of orders placed by Buyers, including those forwarded to couriers delivering goods and entities servicing the electronic payment system (if these forms of order fulfillment have been selected by the Buyer), record sales and Buyers, contacts related to the implementation of current and future orders, including to receive commercial offers sent via electronic means of communication and – for tax purposes.

4. Personal data may be transferred to the following recipients: purpose of contract performance, entities servicing the electronic payment system (if these forms of order fulfillment have been chosen by the Buyer), – offices, (including Tax Offices), and competent authorities (e.g. Police) as part of the implementation of obligations under the law.

5. Personal data will be stored for the period necessary to fulfill by the administrator all the obligations imposed on it by legal standards, in particular to settle the services performed up to the time of their settlement.

6. Buyer’s personal data is administrated by the Seller. At any time, the Buyer has the right to access, correct and delete as well as to withdraw at any time his or her consents regarding the processing of his personal data and to receive commercial offers sent via electronic means of communication.

7. A person who has consented to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specified purposes has the right to withdraw it at any time without affecting the legality of the processing which was carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.

8. The personal data administrator may process the following data characterizing the way the Buyer uses the service provided electronically (operational data): a. Identification of the Buyer, b. Signs identifying the end of the telecommunications network or telecommunications system used by the Buyer c. Information about the beginning, ending and scope of each use of the service provided electronically, d. information on the use by the Buyer of services provided electronically.

9. Providing data by the Buyer during registration in the Store is voluntary and the person who makes it available has the right to access, rectify, delete or limit processing, to object to the processing, as well as the right to transfer data and to cancel in any time of expressed consent to process personal data and to receive commercial offers sent via electronic means of communication. The Buyer may also agree to send him e-mails containing information about competitions and promotions of the Store to the e-mail address. In this case, the Buyer consents to the processing of his personal data by the Store in order to provide him with the above information. Consent to sending to the Buyer commercial information referred to in the previous sentence may be withdrawn at any time by sending information to the Administrator. The personal data provided by the Buyer during registration is stored on the servers whose security complies with the conditions resulting from the provisions of the GDPR.

10. The personal data administrator provides personal data provided by the Buyers in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR and related generally applicable law to a third party, ie: the Store (hereinafter referred to as “the Processor”) by way of an agreement concluded with the Processor, pursuant to art. 28 GDPR, only to the extent necessary for the proper performance of the Order as part of the Store’s activities. The personal data administrator ensures that every effort is made to ensure that this information is properly kept, in particular in the manner provided for by the provisions of the GDPR

11. Seller declares that the processor provides sufficient guarantees to implement the appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure that the processing meets the requirements of the GDPR – in particular those listed in Article no. 28 GDPR and regulations and to protect the Buyers’ rights to a sufficient degree.
12. Making use of the right to delete your own data is tantamount to deregistration of the Buyer and termination of the contract for the provision of electronic services
13. With the deletion of the Buyer’s Account, the personal data administrator will delete the Buyer’s data permanently and irretrievably, thus ceasing to process the personal data of the Buyer. The Administrator reserves the right, however, to store data such as the Buyer’s time and IP address after removing the account for the needs of the Police and the prosecutor’s office as well as data necessary to settle the services performed until their settlement.

14. Any person whose data is processed by the Store, in the event of any failure to process them, has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory body, ie the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection (2 Stawki Street, 00-193 Warsaw)

X. Cookies – Cookies.

Information on cookies applies to all websites at www.keyturion.com. By using www.keyturion.com webpages you agree to the use of cookies in accordance with the regulations. If you do not agree to our use of cookies, you should change your browser settings or opt out.
For more information, please visit: Privacy Policy 

XI. Final Provisions

1. The Seller reserves the right to change these Regulations at any time – with respect for Consumer rights.

2. The new regulations come into force on the day of publication on the Seller’s website at https://keyturion.com/

3. The court only competent for resolving disputes arising from the concluded contract and these regulations is the court having jurisdiction over the seat of the Seller. The consumer also has the right to submit a dispute to the entity authorized to out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes in accordance with the Act on Out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes (Dz.U.2016.1823 of 2016.11.09) without prejudice to the possibility of bringing an action before a court of law.

4. In matters not covered by these Regulations, the relevant provisions of Polish law shall apply.
5. These Regulations enter into force on the day of publishing it on the Seller’s website.
